Migraine: Causes,Symptoms - 15 Home Remedies for Treatment of Migraine

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This is severe type of pain and is usually on one side of the head. The youth between ages 14-22, especially young women, suffer from it and in several cases it goes up to middle age. It starts from one part of the head and spreads to one side or occasionally to the whole of the head and neck. It is a disease inherited from paternal side.

Causes: Emotionally charged mental state, physical exhaustion, anger, anxiety, tired eyes, food related disorders, dyspepsia, allergic condition, etc. are the main reasons for migraine.

Symptoms: As you rise from bed in the morning you feel giddy. There is darkness before the eyes or flashes seem to appear in the dark. Besides, the patient feels sickness of the stomach and nausea. After it, there is a piercing pain in the temples. The pain starts in the opposite side of the eye which is overtaken by darkness. The pain spreads gradually and gains severity. Movement, light and noise make it worse. Vomiting provides some relief. After 2 – 4 hours the pain begins subside. The pupil of the eye on the painful side often gets dilated. At last, the patient falls asleep and when he wakes up the pain has disappeared. In this way, it takes a day for patient to recover. The patient’s face appears to be dull. The bout of pain lasts for years. After middle age, their frequency is reduced and gradually it stops. Migraine gain or lose severity with the cycle of the sun.

Treatment: Often wrapping the head, using cold pads, retiring to quiet place and sleep provide relief. Giving a massage to the head quickly reduces the pain. The patient should avoid over exertion, constipation and dyspepsia. Item fried in oil or clarified butter, meat, tea and coffee should not be consumed. Do not over train the eyes.

Regular use of the following food item is beneficial for patients of migraine.

Grapes: A cup of grape juices taken in the morning before sunrise provides relief from migraine.

Milk: If the severity of the pain in migraine increases or lessens with the cycle of the sun, take jalebi with hot milk before sunrise.

Curd: If the pain increases with the ascendancy of the sun, eat rice and curd before sunrise.

Also can take curd, rice and sugar candy all mixed together, it provides relief from migraine.

Clarified Butter: If the pain increases or decreases with sunrise, smell clarified butter in the morning and evening. If the headache of heat then massage the head with normal clarified butter, otherwise use hot clarified butter.

Asafoetida: Dissolve asafoetida in water and smell it as this will relieves pain and also apply the solution on the forehead.

Salt: Mix ½ tsp of salt with ½ tsp of honey and lick it, it will provide relief great relief.

Dried Ginger Powder: Grind dry ginger in little water and heat it, apply it on the forehead. Also smell it, it will provide relief from migraine and other types headache.

Mustard Oil: It is beneficial in migraine. Put eight drops of mustard oil in the nostril on the painful side and inhale the smell. It relieves migraine, do it for five days.

Jaggery: If the pain increases or decreases with sunrise, eat 12 grams of jaggery with 6 grams of clarified butter.

Black Pepper: Chew 12 grams of black pepper and follow it with 30 grams of clarified butter. It will provide relief from migraine.

Honey: If the pain begins with sunrise and subsides with sunset, put a drop of honey in the nostril other than the one of the painful side, it will relieve the pain.

In case there is sudden spurt in the migraine pain, the patient vomits, feels relieved after vomiting and it happens frequently, take two tsp of honey with meals regularly. It will check the pain. If the pain develops suddenly, taking two tsp of honey on that occasion will provide relief.

Basil Leaves: Licking powder of basil leaves with honey in the morning and evening beneficial.

Sugar: If the pain increases with sunrise and decrease with sunset stand in front of the sun at sunrise and drink 150 ml of water slowly with 60 grams of sugar dissolved in it, this will provide relief from migraine.

Migraine: Causes,Symptoms - 15 Home Remedies for Treatment of Migraine Migraine: Causes,Symptoms - 15 Home Remedies for Treatment  of Migraine Reviewed by hb tips on October 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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