Beauty Tips with Fruits & Vegetables

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Beauty with fruits and vegetables
Those who look for everlasting beauty and youth always have a strong desire to protect their beauty with something which does not leave any side effects. Helping them in their pursuit here is a list of commonly available fruits and vegetables which can be used as herbal cosmetics.

Apple: The juice of apple mixed with malt vinegar makes an excellent hair rinse imparting a golden tint to grey hair. Make a paste of an apple and apply it as a face pack. Then wash it off after 12 to 15 minutes. This pulp can also be put on eyes if they are watery. Rub the peel of apple on the feet and hands: they will become soft and glowing.

Apricot: It rejuvenates the skin because of its vitamin A effect. It contains polyunsaturated fats and is very good for skin creams. It lightens the stretch marks and smooth away wrinkles. It is used in body and hand creams besides being an important ingredient of the face packs.

Banana: Its pulp used with or without yogurt as a face mask is very effective in making the skin free of blemishes. To get rid of blemishes from the hands, rub the slices of unripe banana. One can also mix few drops of, either coconut oil or olive oil, and little honey to the pulp of ripe banana to make an excellent face or hand pack.

Barley: Barley flour used as face pack removes blemishes from the skin. Beer prepared from barley makes an effective setting lotion for the hair.

Carrot: Carrots are rich source of vitamin A and are used as one of the important ingredients for nourishing creams and face masks. Add milk or cream to the juice of carrot and apply it before bathing. A paste of milk and carrot is very beneficial for removing the swelling around the eyes.

Castor Oil: Castor oil is certainly more pleasant when used externally. Rub castor oil on the head. Dip a large towel in hot water. Wring it out and wrap it around the head for a while. This allows a deeper penetration of oil deep into the pores of the head. Castor oil can be used for darkening and thickening the eye lashes.

Clove: Clove has powerful antiseptic qualities and has a freshening effect. It heals skin rashness. It is used in medicated cream and packs.

Cucumber: Cucumber has cleansing, soothing and mild astringent effect on the skin. Grated cucumber mixed with little milk can be used on the face to refresh the skin. Wiping the skin with cucumber slices can benefit oily skin.

Coriander: An infusion of coriander seeds with honey and orange flower water makes an excellent after shave lotion.

Egg: Egg provides face lift by tightening the pores and nourishing the skin. The white part of an egg is a wonderful cleanser. Apply it on your head an hour before shampoo for a special condition effect. Beat an egg and mix it with two teaspoons of brandy and apply it before washing the hair.

Honey: It is one of the best natural moisturizer and can be applied on the skin to get soft, moist and satiny look.

Lavender: Lavender is one of the most resourceful cosmetic aids. Apart from its soft and sweet natural aroma, it refreshes and tones up the skin and is an ingredient in baby shampoo and cleanser.

Lemon: It is a wonderful natural cleanser and cleanses the skin without disturbing its mantle. Lemon is also a natural astringent and helps to tighten the skin. It is used in creams, before bath creams, cleansers and masks.

Orange: Take orange peels and dry them in shade, grind it and use it as facial mask. They are extremely good toning for the skin. Soak the orange peels in boiling water and let it stand overnight. Strain it in the morning and use it as cleanser.

Spinach: Boil spinach and lamb’s quarter together. Strain its water and wash the hair with this. It will cure the problem of dandruff. Its water can also be applied on the face and neck daily before going to bed.

Peach: A paste of peach applied on the face as a mask is very good for dry skin.

Potato: It helps in cleansing of the skin blemishes. Grate potatoes and extract juice and apply it on the skin. Potato juice has tightening effect and it helps in reducing the puffiness around the eyes. Mix cream or milk and a pinch of turmeric powder in smashed potatoes. Apply this as face pack. Grind the potatoes; wrap it in thin cloth covering over the eyes. This removes the eye bags.

Mint Leaves: Besides it cooling and healing effects. It can clear the blemishes and refresh oily skin. It is also used as skin tonic. Apply its juice on the face and neck and then wash it off. Basil juice can also be added to it.

Rose: Rose petals are used to make rose water which is ideal base for skin tonics. It softens the coarse skin and closes the enlarged pores. It is used in lotion, creams and face packs for a soothing action.

Sage: Its healing power is well known. It was used in ancient times to cure many disorders. It is used in herbal hair tonics and shampoos to stimulate the scalp and is said to have hair darkening property.

Salt: Bathing the eyes in warm water to which a little salt has been added can really brighten them up.

Aniseed: It soothes inflammations of the skin and is good for deep cleansing of pores.

Tea: Soak cotton wool pads in cold tea and use them as eye pads to refresh the tired eyes.

Thyme: It is well known as an antiseptic ingredient and is used to disinfect and heal injuries.

Yogurt: It has several benefits as it contains enzymes and is a wonderful natural cleanser. It also helps in supporting healthy skin and hair.

Tomato: Use tomato juice as a toning lotion, or mix it with curd and use it as face pack. It does wonder for a greasy skin. Cut a tomato into two halves and rub these halves on the face moving them in circles. Wash off after 10 – 15 minutes. Fuller’s clay powder mixed with tomato pulp yields an excellent paste which closes the enlarged pores. Apply this paste on the body half an hour before bathing – 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 2 tablespoon cream and 3 tablespoon tomato juice.

Beauty Tips with Fruits & Vegetables Beauty Tips with Fruits & Vegetables Reviewed by hb tips on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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