Dysentery- Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment

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Psyllium Husk
It is a serious disease of the bowels which causes the contents to be passed out of the body much more often and in a more liquid form than usual. It is caused by an infection which is spread by dirty water or food. In this along with faces there is bleeding and mucous also comes out. After defecating also there is discomfort, extreme pain in the belly, headache, loss of appetite, extreme thirst and weakness. Sometimes there is fever also which can go high. There is laziness, unwillingness to work and mind feels dull.

Causes: Wrong lifestyle and improper food habits leads to accumulation of toxins and constipation cause formation of wounds in the colon. In those wounds the germs of this disease thrive and on the basis of these germs it is called amoebic dysentery or bacillary dysentery. Amoebic dysentery attacks slightly but if one is not careful then takes a long time to cure. Bacillary dysentery attacks heavily but gets cured fast.

Dysentery is also caused because of accumulation of too much stool in the intestines. Nature tends to expel it and clean the stomach. We should therefore, assist nature in this respect.

The people suffering from dysentery should not be given anti diarrhea drugs. The stool is attended with mucous, which is kind of toxins. If the mucous is allowed to remain in the stomach it can lead to serious problems like swelling on hands, feet and face, jaundice, hepatitis, disorders of the spleen, leprosy, loss of appetite, low fever, dropsy etc.

Enema: First clean the colon with enema of lukewarm water. The water of enema should slowly flow in. After taking enema have hot and cold fomentation on the abdomen and keep wet pack or mud pack on the abdomen. According to the condition of the ailing person the pack should be given repeatedly.

Once during the day hot foot bath should be given and after that whole body should be wiped with towel.

Castor Oil: Drink hot milk mixed with 2 tsp of castor oil, when someone notices mucous in the stool, it will give immediate relief.

Castor oil is useful in dysentery attended with both mucous and blood.

Wood Apple: Wood Apple syrup provides successful treatment for dysentery with mucous. It clears the bowels effectively.

Water: 250 ml of hot water taken regularly after meals is good for people suffering from amoebic dysentery.

Drink water of sky blue colored bottle processed in sun rays and take complete rest.

Psyllium Husk: It is very useful in amoebic dysentery. It expels amoebae and checks its formation.

Put a tsp of psyllium husk in hot milk, let it swell; take it before going to sleep. Next morning mix psyllium husk in curd, let it swell, mix salt, dried ginger powder, cumin seeds and then consume it.

Take 4 parts of psyllium husk, one part of roasted aniseed and sugar, grind them to make a powder and take 2 tsp of this powder with water two times a day.

Soak a tsp of psyllium husk in a cup of water for at least six hours; take it after the every meal.

Grind 75 grams of psyllium husk, 25 grams of roasted aniseed and 25 grams of raw aniseed to make a powder, take this powder every day after the meals. This treatment should be taken for long period of time.

Take two portion o aniseed, half roasted and half raw, coriander seeds, sugar, sun dried wood apple slices – all in equal quantity, mix them with ¼ quantity of dried ginger powder and grind them all to form a powder. Take 2 tsp with cold water two times every day. It will provide relief from dysentery, diarrhea and bloody flux. . It is also useful in amoebic dysentery.

Lemon: Lemon juice in 250 ml of fresh water is beneficial in dysentery. Taking lemon in milk is also beneficial.

Fenugreek: Eating fenugreek leaves fried in clarified butter treats dysentery.

Take 50 grams of fenugreek leaves juice mixed with 5 grams of sugar.

Powder of fenugreek seeds mixed in curd is beneficial to treat dysentery.

Rice: People suffering from dysentery should eat rice.

Wheat: Grind aniseed, mixed the powder in water, strain it and use to knead wheat flour. Prepare cake or bread and eat them in meals, it will be useful in diarrhea and dysentery.

Aniseed: Boil 7 grams aniseed in 80 ml water. When the water is reduced to half, mix 1 gram of black salt and give to person suffering from dysentery. If the child is suffering from dysentery give 10 ml of it three times a day. It will be useful.

Black Pepper: Black pepper is beneficial for people suffering from dysentery.

Basil: Basil leaves mixed with sugar treats dysentery.

Pomegranate: Boil 16 grams dried rind of pomegranate along with 3 ground cloves, strain it and drink half a cup of it three times a day. People suffering from amoebic dysentery or stomach cramps should take this treatment regularly, it will be useful.

Dates: Dates with curd is useful.

Okra: Eating okra as cooked vegetable is beneficial in dysentery. It removes friction in the intestines.

Gram: Soak 2 handful of gram husk overnight in water in a new clay pot, next morning strain it and drink the water. If the blood in the stool follows burning and heat, this treatment will provide relief.

Poppy Seeds: Mix 2 tsp of poppy seeds in little water, grind it into paste and mix ¼ cup of curd. Take it twice a day after 6 hours. It will cure dysentery, diarrhea and spasms.

Alum Salt: Grind and mix 25 grams of alum salt and 5 grams opium. Take a small quantity approximately 2 grams of it two times a day with 10 ml of water, it is useful in diarrhea. Afterwards take it with psyllium husk; it will treat dysentery attended with blood.

Cumin Seeds:  Grind the roasted cumin seeds, mix a tsp of honey and take it every day after meals.

Tea: Tea contains polyphenol which kills the germs causing dysentery. People suffering from dysentery should have a tea, it is beneficial.

Myrobalan: Fry small myrobalan and aniseed in clarified butter, grind it, mix sugar powder and take a tsp every day with hot water. It will be beneficial.

Dysentery- Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment Dysentery- Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment Reviewed by hb tips on December 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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