70 Natural Remedies to Treat Cough, Whooping Cough , Dry Cough and Bronchitis, Symptoms and Causes

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Cough in itself is not a disease. It is only symptom of other ailments, but if it persists it can cause other problems. Besides catarrh and coryza, the disease of breathing tubes, lungs and heart are other causes of cough. It is also symptom of TB and asthma. You cannot cure cough unless you take the treatment for disease causing cough. The patent medicines for cough provide only temporary relief. There are two types of cough – dry and phlegmatic. Dry cough is usually not old and expectoration of mucus is difficult and not much in quantity while in phlegmatic cough, the mucus comes out easily without much effort. Chronic cough is usually phlegmatic. Eating hot things can usually control cough.

Use the following natural home remedies to cure cough.

Lemon: It will be beneficial for patients of cough and asthma, suck a piece of lemon filled with salt and black pepper powder.

Orange: Taking orange juice mixed with hot water in winter and cold water in summer is beneficial.

Apple: Taking the juice of ripe apples mixed with sugar candy in the morning provides relief from chronic cough.

Indian Gooseberry: Prepare the paste with Indian gooseberry powder and a tsp of honey and lick it twice daily.

For dry cough use the chutney of green or dry Indian gooseberry ground with green coriander leaves. It will provide much relief from cough and help in expectoration of mucus.

Grapes: Eating grapes provides strength to the lungs; it helps in expectoration of mucus. Do not drink water after eating grapes.

Spinach: Doing the gargle with lukewarm spinach juice provides relief in cough.

Turnip: Boil it in water, strain, mix sugar and drink it. It will be beneficial.

Fenugreek Seeds: Boil four tsp of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water. When it reduced to half, strain it and drink it hot.

Fig: It is beneficial for patients of chronic cough because it dilutes the mucus and helps in its expectoration.

Milk: Boil five pieces of long pepper in milk, add sugar and drink it twice daily in the morning and evening for a few months.

Sesame Seeds: If the cough has been caused by cold, boil four tsp each of sesame seeds and sugar candy in a glass of water, when it I reduced to half, drink it. Take this three times a week.

Cinnamon: Licking and sucking of cinnamon pieces provides relief in cough.

Cloves: Grind one part of cloves and two parts of pomegranate rind. Mix ¼ tsp of it with ½ tsp of honey and lick it three times a day. It will cure the problem of cough.

Aniseed: Boil two tsp of each aniseed and caraway seeds in 500 ml of water, mix two tsp of honey and give three tsp of it to the child every hour.

Black Pepper: Suck on black pepper and sugar candy. It soothes the throat.

Mix the powder of five corns of black pepper and ½ tsp of dried ginger powder with a tsp of honey and lick it twice a day in the morning and evening, it cures phlegmatic cough.

Mix a tsp of black pepper powder with 60 grams of jaggery and roll into pills. Suck on half a pill two times a day in morning and evening. It cures all types of cough.

Grind black pepper and sugar candy in equal quantity. Mix a little clarified butter so that pill can be made. Suck on one pill at a time. It will cure all types of cough.

Grind ten corns of black pepper and mix with honey. Lick it twice daily in the morning and evening.

Licking the powder of ten black pepper corns mixed with hot clarified butter provides relief from dry cough.

Boil ten corns of black pepper in water and drink it.

Coriander: Grind coriander and sugar candy in equal quantity and take one tsp of it with a cup of rice soaked water, it will be beneficial.

Sugar Candy: In case of frequent bouts of cough, suck a piece of sugar candy.

Coffee: If the cough is severe, take hot black coffee.

Betel Leaf: In case of frequent bouts of cough chew roasted piece of turmeric with betel leaf. If the cough occurs at night, chew caraway seeds with a betel leaf and do not spit it out.

Pomegranate: Grind mix part of pomegranate rind and mix one part of rock salt, mix a little water and roll into pills. Suck the pills thrice a day, it will provide relief from cough.

Cardamom: Eating small cardamoms provides relief from cough.

Garlic: Boil a garlic bulb in 62 ml of mustard oil. Massage the chest and throat with this oil.

Eat garlic with large raisins three times a day, do not take sour food.

Mix 20 drops of garlic juice with pomegranate juice and drink, it will be beneficial in all types of cough.

Water: Drinking hot water before bedtime provides relief from cough.

Mint Leaves: Drinking mint tea with a little salt is beneficial in cough.

Wheat:  Boil 20 grams of wheat and 9 grams of rock salt in a glass of water.
When it is reduced to one third, strain and drink it. The treatment should continue for seven days.

Clarified Butter: Heat some jaggery with clarified butter and eat it when comfortably hot.

Massage the chest with a mixture of clarified butter and rock salt, it cure chronic cough.

Mustard oil: If the patient is child, massage the chest with mustard oil, also apply the oil to the rectum.

If the patient is asthmatic and has congested chest massage it with mustard oil mixed with rock salt, it will be beneficial.

Jaggery: Eating black sesame and jaggery in the form of balls in winter provides relief from cough, asthma and bronchitis.

Turmeric: If you have cough, sore throat and a congested chest, take hot water with salt in it. Suck a piece of turmeric, it will provide relief.

Sweet Lemon: Those who frequently suffer from cough, coryza and cold, can get lasting relief from the problems by taking sweet lime juice for some days.

Large Raisin: It is beneficial in cough. If you suffer from cold frequently and it I difficult to cure, oak 11 large raisins, 11 corns of black pepper and 5 almonds. 

Peel the almonds. Grind them all together, mix with 25 grams of butter and eat before bed time. The following morning boil long pepper, black pepper and dried ginger powder in milk and drink it, continue the treatment for two to three months. It will provide lasting relief from coryza and cough.

Alum Salt: Licking ½ gram of alum salt mixed with honey will provide relief from asthma and cough.

Honey: Boil a lemon in water, and then squeeze it into glass tumbler. Mix one ounce glycerin and three ounce honey and stir it well. Take a tsp of it four times a day. It will provide relief from cough.

Honey provides relief from cough. Licking 12 grams of honey thrice a day expel the phlegm and cures cough.

Red Chili: There is a homeopathic medicine called capsicum annum which I made out of red chili. Take five drop of mother tincture of this medicine with hot water thrice a day, it is beneficial in phlegmatic cough.

Caraway Seeds: Eating caraway seeds followed by drink of hot water provide relief from cough.

Ginger: Heat ginger juice 30 grams at a time and drink it three times a day, it is very useful in cough and asthma, do not take any our food.

Slice 12 grams of ginger into small pieces; boil it in water mixed with milk and sugar and drink it like hot tea. It will provide relief from cough and coryza.

Heat jaggery with clarified butter, mix 12 grams of dried ginger powder and take it every day in the morning empty stomach, it will cure cough and coryza.

Boil 8 corns of black pepper in a glass of water, add ¼ dried ginger powder, salt and jaggery to the taste, when this is reduced to half quantity, drink it when it is pleasantly hot, it will cure cough.

Cut 10 grams of ginger into fine pieces and put it in bowl, add 20 grams of jaggery and heat it. When jaggery melts, stir it with spoon. When they get properly mixed, turn off the heat. Lick one or two tsp of it when it is pleasantly hot, it provides relief from phlegmatic cough, do not take water for an hour after eating it.

Basil: If the patient feels pain in the chest or has developed fever, it will be helpful to take the juice of basil leaves mixed with sugar candy.

Roast five cloves and chew them with basil leaves, it provides relief from all types of cough. Eating 4 grams of dry basil leaves with sugar candy cures cough and ailments of the chest.

Grind basil leaves and black pepper in equal quantity and make pills. Take a pill four times a day, it also cures whooping cough.

It is beneficial to take the juice of basil leaves, ginger and onions mixed with honey in cough. It facilitates expectoration.

Taking the decoction of 12 grams of green basil leaves mixed with milk and sugar provides relief from cough and pain in the chest.

Taking the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey is beneficial in cough.

Taking 3 ml of the juice of basil leaves mixed with 6 grams of sugar candy and 3 corns of black pepper provides relief from congestion in the chest, chronic fever and cough.

Mix 3 grams each of the juice of basil leaves and ginger with 5 grams of honey and lick it twice daily in the morning and evening. It is useful in fever, cough and asthma.

Grind dry basil leaves, catechu, camphor and cardamom in equal quantity and mix with 9 parts of sugar and make a fine powder. It is helpful in coryza, cough, sore throat and congestion of lungs.

Coconut: Grate a dry coconut, soak ¼ cup of it in a cup of water for two hours, strain and grind the grated coconut. When it turns into a paste, dissolve it in the water in which it was soaked and drink it, take it three times a day. It will be helpful in cough, diseases of the lungs and Tuberculosis.

Dry Cough Treatment:

Jaggery: Mix 15 grams of jaggery with 15 ml of mustard oil and lick it, this is beneficial in dry cough.

Watermelon: It is useful to eat watermelon in dry cough.

Mango: Roast a ripe mango in hot ashes. Eat it when it cools, it cures dry cough.

Dates: Dates provides relief from dry cough.

Sugarcane: Drinking sugarcane juice is beneficial in dry cough. It provides relief from whizzing in the chest.

Black Pepper: Suck black pepper and sugar candy in dry cough, it opens up the throat.

Grind black pepper and sugar candy in equal quantity, mix clarified butter and make pills. Suck a pill at a time; it cures all types of cough.

Mix honey with grounded 11 corns of black pepper and lick two times a day in the morning and evening.

Carrots: taking 300 ml of carrot juice mixed with 125 grams spinach juice provides relief from bronchitis.

Almond: In dry cough, sucking almond keeps the throat wet and provides relief from cough.

Whooping Cough Treatment: It is an infectious disease, if child catches it, other children can get infection. It is also called Pettussis. The literal meaning of pettussis is too much cough. The patient first develops low fever. The intensity of cough gradually increases. Day and night there are recurrent bouts of cough. The cough seems to be uncontrollable and one bout of cough lasts from 30 seconds to a minute. There seems to be suffocation, the eyes becomes red and the constant coughing leads to vomiting, the cough produces whooping sound that is why it is known as whooping cough. It is very painful diseases for children and it lasts quiet long.

Treatment for Whooping Cough

Coconut: Give 4 ml of pure coconut oil without any fragrance to one year child four times daily, it will be beneficial.

Garlic: Soak overnight 5 almonds in water. Peel them the following morning and grind them along with some sugar candy and a clove of garlic and give it to child to eat, it will cure the whooping cough in two or three days. Make a child wear a garland of garlic cloves and massage the chest with garlic oil, it will be helpful.

Mix 10 drops of fresh garlic juice with four grams each of honey and water. Give this to the child four times a day.

Sugarcane: Taking 60 ml of radish juice mixed in sugarcane juice is beneficial in whooping cough.

Alum Salt: Taking 1 gram of alum salt with hot water ever day provides relief from whooping cough.

Cloves: Roast cloves, mix with honey and eat them, it will cure whooping cough.

Basil Leaves: Grind basil leaves and black pepper in equal quantity, make very small pills, and suck one pill for four times a day, it will pure whooping cough.
Guava: Roast guava in hot sand or ashes and eat it, it is beneficial whooping cough.

Maize: Burn a maize cob and grind it into fine powder, add rock salt to taste, take ¼ tsp of it four times every day with hot water, it will be beneficial.

Bronchitis Treatment:

Ginger: Grind 15 grams ginger, four almonds, eight large raisins and eat it twice daily, followed by drinking hot water.

70 Natural Remedies to Treat Cough, Whooping Cough , Dry Cough and Bronchitis, Symptoms and Causes 70 Natural Remedies to Treat Cough, Whooping Cough , Dry Cough and Bronchitis, Symptoms and Causes Reviewed by hb tips on October 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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