30 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stone, Gallbladder Stone, Renal Colic - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

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kidney pain

Renal Colic

Stone cause acute pain in the stomach, kidney and back. The patient feels restless due to pain. There is hesitancy and burning sensation during urination and sometimes the patient passes blood with urine. The pain is also known as renal colic.

Grapes: Grind 30 grams of leaves of grape vine, mix water, strain, add salt and drink, it will provide relief to the people squirming with kidney pain.

Bottle Gourd: Cut a bottle guard into pieces, heat them and apply the juice of these pieces on the painful part or grind some pieces and apply on the affected area, this will immediately reduce the pain.


The presence of oxalate, calcium, phosphate and purine in excess in the food causes stones. The flour of grains without fiber is the main source of phosphate. Oxalate is found in plenty in green vegetables. Milk is the main source of calcium and phosphate. Therefore, the above mentioned things and milk should not be taken by those having stone problems. The patient should take food which contains very little of oxalic acid and purin.

Coconut: Taking coconut water removes stones.

Spinach: Some people think that spinach causes stones, but take it for certain that the juice of raw spinach does not cause stone.

Bitter Gourd: It breaks the stones into pieces in the kidney or bladder and flushes them out with the urine. Take the juice of two bitter gourds ever day and also eat them as vegetable. It will check the passage of blood with urine.

Rice: People suffering from stones in the kidney or urinary bladder should not eat rice at all.

Maize: Burn maize corns and barley to ash. Grind both of them separately and stone in glass bottles and mark them with labels. Dissolve 2 tsp of maize ash in a cup of water, strain and rink it in the morning. It dissolves the stones and increases the flow of urine. Similarly, take barley ash in the evening.

Cumin Seeds: Grind cumin seeds and sugar in equal quantity. Take a tsp of it thrice daily with cool water. It will be beneficial.

Barley: Barley water flushes out the stones. The people suffering from stones should take barley and barley products. It helps in dissolving the stones and also prevents the formation of stones.
Sugar Candy: Grind 15 cardamom, 1 tsp of the kernel of melon seeds and 2 tsp of sugar candy, mix it in cup of water and take it two time a day in the morning and evening, it dissolves the stones in the kidney.

Green Grass: Take out the green grass with roots and remove the tender leaves. Wash the tender stems and roots with water, grind, and strain and add sugar as per taste and drink it. Take it two times a day, it dissolves the stone and increases the flow of the urine. Grind ½ kg of stems and roots of grass at a time.

Melon: Melon is very useful for people suffering from stones.

Apples:  Stones are generally formed in the kidneys and the gall bladder. Even if they are removed from operation they tend to form again. Taking apple juice regularly checks the formation of stones and the ones already formed get eroded gradually and are flushed out with the urine. It also checks frequent micturition at night. It cleanses the kidneys and relieves kidney pain.

Mango: Grind mango leaves dried in the shade and take 8 grams of it in the morning with water kept overnight. It flushes out sand and stones out of the body.

Indian Gooseberry: Taking Indian gooseberry powder with radish is beneficial for people suffering from stones in gall bladders.

Coriander: Soak 50 grams each of sugar candy, aniseed and coriander seeds in one and half liter of water in the morning, strain it in the evening, grind the soaked seeds and mix with the same water and strain and drink it. If you are not able to take entire quantity at a time, take it in two installments. Similarly soak these things in the evening and repeat the process the following morning, it will increase the flow of urine and stones will be flushed out.

Rose Apple: Eating ripe rose apples provides relief from stones. The powder of rose apple stone taken with curd is also beneficial.

Dried Dates: The use of dried dates is beneficial for people suffering from the problem of stones.

Carrots: For stone, swelling of the kidney or for cleansing the kidneys, 150 grams juice each of carrots, beetroot, cucumber or gourd is very beneficial. Carrot juice flushes out stones from the kidneys and the gall bladder. Taking only carrot juice 3 times a day, is also beneficial. When mixed with 250 grams juice of salad leaves, it helps flushing out gall bladder stones.

Fill a thick hollow radish with equal quantity of the seeds of carrots and turnips and close the opening, roast it in the fire, when it cools down, take out the seeds. Take ½ tsp of the seeds with water twice a day in the morning and evening.

Cucumber: Cucumber juice is beneficial in stones. 250 grams of it should be taken thrice a day; it is also beneficial in burning micturition, hesitancy and diabetes. To make the juice taste better , add a tsp of honey and squeeze ½ lemon in it.

Cabbage: Its use is beneficial in stones and urinary obstructions. The vegetable should be prepared in purified butter.

Potato: If there are stones in one or both kidneys, it will be beneficial for person to eat potato only. Eating only potatoes and taking water frequently will flush out the sand and stones from the kidneys.

Onion: Onion juice mixed with sugar and taken as syrup will dissolve the stone and flush it out.

Radish: Boil 35 grams seeds of radish in ½ liter of water. When the water is reduced to half, strain and drink it. If it is taken regularly for few days, it will dissolve the stone in gall bladder and flush it out.

Drink 20 ml of radish juice daily and chew it leaves as well. The stones will get dissolved and come out with urine. Continue this remedy for 2 – 3 months.

Wheat : Wheat and gram should be boiled in water and person suffering from stone should drink it, this will dissolve the stone in gall bladder. The juice of wheat grass is also beneficial in gall bladder stones.

Butter Milk: It is useful for gall bladder stones.

Walnut: Grind walnuts along the shell, sieve it and take a tsp of it twice daily in the morning and evening, it flushes out the stones.

Henna: Boil 6 grams of henna leaves in ½ liter of water. When it is reduced to 150 grams, strain and drink it hot, take it for five days, it will flush out the stone.

Sugarcane: Chewing and sucking sugarcane is helpful in breaking the stones into pieces which are ultimately flushed out of the urine.

Caraways Seeds:  Taking 6 grams of caraway seeds with water daily helps in flushing out the stones from kidney and gall bladder.

Indian Lilac: Take 6 grams of the ash of Indian lilac leaves three times a day with cool water. The stones in the kidney and the gall bladder gets dissolved and flushed out in few days.

Method: Dry Indian lilac leaves in the shade and burn them in pot. When they are burnt, cover the mouth of the pot with a lid. Take out burnt leaves after four hours and grind them. You will get the ash of Indian lilac leaves.

Cardamom: It is beneficial in stones. It provides relief from burning sensation during urination.

Beetroot:  taking juice or soup of beetroot dissolves the stone and flushes them out. Take 30 grams of it four times a day, for few weeks.

Things to be avoided: Those suffering from stones in kidney and gall bladder, should avoid spinach and rice as these are quiet harmful.

30 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stone, Gallbladder Stone, Renal Colic - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment 30 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stone, Gallbladder Stone, Renal Colic - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Reviewed by hb tips on October 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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