Hysteria - Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies

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Hysteria is a mental disease, it should, therefore, be treated at the psychological level. Neglect in proper treatment can be fatal at later stage. In these fits a gas ball rises from the belly to the throat and the person faints.

Symptoms: When fit or hysteria takes place then hand and feet get stiffened up, the shape of face gets distorted. Without any reason person affected starts yelling, grumbling and beating. Difficulty in breathing, pain in the chest and belly, feeling of something got stuck on throat, paining on being merely touched by somebody, difficulty in looking at light. Women are more prone to this disease.

Causes: The main causes of hysteria are mental or physical stroke, tension, worry, sadness, fear, anxiety, grief, family issue, sudden mental shock, pregnancy, constipation, menstrual disorder, grievances against the spouse, sexual dissatisfaction, pregnancy, problems pertaining to menstrual cycle and dyspepsia etc.


Loosen the clothes at the time of the fit and expose the body to fresh air. Rub the soles of feet and palms. At the time of unconsciousness, put the nail of thumb of the thumb of person suffering from hysteria and poke it, to remove unconsciousness.  

The treatment of hysteria should be for the root cause of the problem. The attack of unconsciousness should not be cause for worry. The person suffering from hysteria should go for a walk daily in the open air. Fruits should be major part of the meals. Hysteria affected people should read good literature. Taking honey instead of sugar in milk will be beneficial.

The above mentioned treatment is instantaneous but the lasting cure can be provided only by tackling the mental problems which have caused disease.  For this, it is necessary to establish a close rapport with the patient at the mental level and tackling them affectionately looking at problem and solving it. This is the only effective treatment. If the root cause of anxiety is removed, the disease will automatically disappear. Often the severity of disease diminishes with the age.  Sometimes sexual satisfaction one gets treats this condition.

The people suffering with hysteria should consume nutritious food, milk, rice, grape juice, apples, pomegranate, oranges etc.

Lemon: Taking lemon, salt, cumin seeds, roasted asafoetida and mint leaves with warm water at least for thirty days.

Pomegranate: Boil 20 grams each of pomegranate leaves and fresh rose petals in ½ liter of water. When the water is reduced to ¼ quantity, strain it and 1 tsp of clarified butter. Taking it regularly is useful for people suffering from hysteria.

Milk: Take fresh milk with honey and 10 raisins soaked in water every day in the morning for 40 to 45 days, it will be useful.

Onion: For women suffering from hysteria, smelling the onion juice on fainting brings them back to hysteria.

Garlic: A few drops of garlic juice put in the nostrils bring the person back to consciousness.

Asafoetida:  Smelling the asafoetida brings the patient back to consciousness.

Red Chili: There is homeopathic medicine made from red chilies called capsicum annum, few drops in nostril brings patient back to consciousness.

Black Berry:  It is useful to treat this condition.

Bath: Person suffering from hysteria should take bath with cold water and sun bath daily.

Yoga: Practice padmasana, simhasana, vajrasana, tadasana, garbhasana, uttanpadasana and gorakshasana.

Hysteria - Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies Hysteria - Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies Reviewed by hb tips on November 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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