Epilepsy - Symptoms and 17 Natural Treatment

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It is the disease of the brain characterized by unconsciousness, convulsive fits etc. Hands and feet’s begin to tremble and there is frothing at the mouth.

The person suffering regains consciousness after some time. During the attack of epilepsy there is an excessive flow of current from nerve cells and there are contractions in the body resulting in the imbalance of the brain.

Epilepsy is related to the brain. Countless cells of brain release innumerable directive waves. Another part of the brain contracts these directive waves and ensures the compliance of only the right directions. When an imbalance occurs in this function, epilepsy takes place. Other factors causing epilepsy include is brain injury, high fever, meningitis, brain cancer etc.
This disease can strike any one at any age.

Symptoms: Epilepsy can be categorized in several ways according to its symptoms but the two main categories are the serious epilepsy (grand-mal epilepsy) and the ordinary epilepsy (perit-mal epilepsy).

The patients usually suffer from convulsive fit when they are in mental or physical stress. Any situation which can create excitement like great height, depth or rapid flow of water can start epileptic fit. Usually, the patient can feels that it is coming. It may start with headache, giddiness, restlessness and patient seeks support and soon collapses. There is sharp contraction in hands and feet and sufferer begins to froth from mouth. Sometimes, the tongue is cut and injured as it comes between the contracting jaws and teeth. The color of the face and size of the pupils can also undergo a change. Sometimes person suffering from epilepsy passes the stool as well as urine in the clothes.
The grand-mal epileptic can last for few minutes to an hour. Afterwards the patient is overcome by weakness and exhaustion. The ordinary (perit-mal) epileptic fit last for few seconds. It is characterized by momentary impairment of consciousness and amnesia. The patient suddenly becomes quiet, stares and comes back to what is normal as if nothing happened.

Points to Remember: Epilepsy is disease that is curable and it is not caused by ghost, evils spirits or hot weather.

Don’t quarrel, argue or take a fight with people suffering from epilepsy because if the disease lasts for long time it affects the behavior of patient.

People suffering from epilepsy should not be taken to great heights or depths, sight of fire or water and fighting.

People suffering should not be allowed to drive in public places.

While going out people suffering from epilepsy should always carry identification card and details of ailment, this will help in treatment and relatives can be contacted.

Primary Treatment:  Whenever any person has an attack of epilepsy fit, put some clean object between the jaws. This will protect tongue from cut and injuries. If the teeth are tightly contracted do not insert anything because it can hurt the teeth or gums.

Make the patient lie down at one side, loosen the clothes, remove belt, tie, shoes etc.

If the person having fits finds difficulty in breathing, give artificial respiration. Do not give anything to eat until sufferer becomes normal.

If the child suffers from the fits, take the child to the hospital because that fit can be fit of meningitis also. It is also a serious disease.

If a person prone to epileptic fits is getting married, it is to be ensured that the other partner should not suffer from the same disease. Giving birth to the child should be in consultation of physician and treatment should not be discontinued until advised by the physician.

If there is excess convulsion of muscle, body has become very weak, there is movement of eyebrow, it can be cured with natural treatments.

Food: Foods which are rich in vitamin and protein should be given to people suffering from epilepsy. They should take less quantity of salt, as less as possible, it increases the possibility of recovery. Vegetarian food and milk is best food for people suffering with epilepsy. The stimulants like coffee, peppermint and meat should not be given and for few days its best to give them fruits, vegetables and milk. The situation of anxiety, grief and fear should be avoided by the patients of epilepsy. The person suffering from this condition should not be left alone because the epileptic convulsion happens suddenly without giving any warning signals.

Lemon: Cut the lemon into slice and put pinch of asafetida, sucking this is beneficial.

Onion: Drinking 3 ounce of onion juice mixed with little water in morning is useful in preventing epilepsy attacks, this treatment should be taken for forty days.

When an epileptic attack occurs, making the patient smell the onion juice gives quick relief.

Garlic: To bring back patient to the consciousness, pound some garlic cloves and make the patient smell this.

For a prolonged period, boil ten to twelve cloves in milk and give this natural treatment to the patient, it cures epilepsy.

Taking garlic cloves fried in oil every day is beneficial to treat this condition.

Make a dose by grinding ¾ sesame seeds and ¼ garlic cloves, 30 grams of this dose every day is beneficial to treat epilepsy caused by humour of wind.

Orris Root: Mix 12 grams of orris root powder with a tsp of honey; licking it or taking it with milk regularly is beneficial.

Carissa Carandas: Grind 50 grams Carissa carandas leaves and mix the paste in butter milk. It prevents the occurrence of epilepsy. This treatment has proved to be particular effective in bile generated epilepsy. The attack of this type of epilepsy takes place in about 15 days.

Henna: Giving 50 ml of henna leaves juice mixed with cup of milk gives lot of relief.

Mustard: To bring back the patient to consciousness from the epilepsy attack, make them smell grounded mustard seeds, it will be beneficial.

Red chili: By putting a few drops of homeopathic medicine capsicum anum (mother tincture) into the nostrils will bring patient back to consciousness.

Black Pepper: Put few drops of black pepper powder mixed with water into the nostril of the patient, this is beneficial in regaining consciousness.

Basil Leaves: Make a paste of basil leaves by grinding, and massage the body of the patient of epilepsy with it daily, it will be useful.

Nutmeg: Make string with 21 nutmeg and put it around the neck of person suffering from epilepsy, it will be beneficial.

Pomegranate: Boil 100 grams of pomegranate leaves in ½ liter water, when water is reduced to one fourth, strain it and add 50 grams of clarified butter and sugar. It should be taken two times a day morning and evening for early recovery from epilepsy.

Epilepsy - Symptoms and 17 Natural Treatment Epilepsy - Symptoms and 17 Natural Treatment Reviewed by hb tips on November 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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