Diabetes - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - 24 Natural Remedies to Reverse Diabetes

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Cure Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease characterized by excessive flow of urine containing sugar. This disease develops gradually and the patient usually does not know for the long time that he/she is suffering from it. It is more common in men than women. Fat persons usually suffer from diabetes. In the past, mostly people between 40 – 50 years of age or after it were liable to get diabetes but now even children are becoming diabetic. Hereditary factors are also responsible for this disease.

In the human body, insulin is secreted by pancreas gland which is connected with digestive system. Insulin helps the blood to convert sugar into energy. The pancreas gland retains as much sugar as is required by the body and burns the rest of it. But if the pancreas gland stops secreting insulin or its quantity is reduced or there is some obstruction due to some reason, it leads to diabetes. In these circumstances, sugar gets into the blood and does not get converted into energy and is also expelled out of the body through urine.

There are two types of this disease: (1) Diabetes Mellitus (2) Diabetes Insipidus (polyuria)

Symptoms: Diabetes is caused when pancreas do not secrete an appropriate amount of insulin. Sugar in blood and urine is a sure sign of diabetes. Excessive thirst, hunger, frequent passing of urine, frequent appearance of boils, wound not healing, pain in the feet, poor eye sight, constipation, T.B., weakness due to increase in sugar levels, restlessness, higher blood pressure, unconsciousness, headache, dry skin, itching, etc are the symptoms of diabetes.

Excessive TV Watching – A cause for Diabetes: Occasional TV watching as a part of hobby is not harmful for the health, but excessive TV watching is giving an invitation to diabetes.  According to researchers in USA, men watching Television for twenty hours or more in a week are more prone to become diabetic at some later stage. Men at 40 or above, spending excessive time on watching television are more susceptible to the dangers of this disease. The obese adult of this age group generally becomes its victims. The researchers are of the view that the lifestyle of watching Television for unexpectedly long hours has direct connection with this disease. Regular exercise can spare the scourge of diabetes.

Treatment:  Diabetics should not eat sweet such as sugar, jaggery, sugar candy, sweet fruits, rice and products made up of all purpose flour. Physical exercise, walking and light diet are beneficial. Diabetic person should consume more of green vegetables, lentils and yogurt. Bitter gourd raw or cooked and rose apples are beneficial. Diabetes can be cured by proper diet and physical exercise. It cannot be cured with medicines alone if the required type of food is not taken. The food mentioned below , if taken in sufficient quantity, can cure diabetes:

Diabetes creates weakness in the body. Eating raw or tender coconut helps the body to get energy. Also take cashew, groundnuts and walnuts that too soaked in water. Taking yogurt, butter milk and soya bean is also beneficial.

Person suffering from diabetes should observe fast on every seventh day. On the day of fast they should take only fruits, vegetables and lemon water without sugar. They should not eat anything else.
Lemon: In case of excessive thirst taking lemon water is quiet beneficial in diabetes.

Orange: An orange every day is good for diabetics. Dry orange peel in the shade and ground them to from powder form. Boil 4 tsp of orange peel powder in a glass of water, strain and drink it every day.
Mango: Mix mango juice and rose apple juice in equal quantity and take it regularly for few days, this will cure diabetes.

India Gooseberry (Amla): Fresh Indian gooseberry (amla) juice mixed with honey cures diabetes.

Rose Apple: The people suffering from diabetes should take rose apples every day. In homeopathy, the juice of rose apple known as Cegium Jambolinum mother tincture is recommended for the cure of diabetes.

½ tsp powder of rose apple kernel taken daily in the evening with the water treats the problem of sugar in the urine.

Grind dried rose apple kernel and bitter gourd in equal quantity; take a tsp of it with water two times a day.

Tomato: Tomatoes are very useful for people suffering from diabetes. It over the period of time reduces the sugar in the urine. They are also beneficial in other disease related to urine.

Carrots: Take mixed juice of carrots (310 ml) and spinach (185 grams).

Radish: It is useful for diabetes. Its juice is also beneficial.

Bitter Gourd: Take 15 ml of the juice of bitter gourd mixed with 100 ml of water thrice daily for 3 months. Also eat bitter gourd as a vegetable.

Dry bitter gourd in shade and ground them, take 6 grams of this powder will be useful to provide relief from sugar in the urine.

Boil 250 grams of bitter gourd in ½ liter of water. When the water is reduced to half, strain and drink it.

Okra:  Cut the stems of okra and dry it in the shade. Grind it into a fine powder and sieve it. Mix sugar candy in equal quantity and take ½ tsp of it with cool water every day in the morning on empty stomach. It will cure diabetes.

Turnip: Diabetics should regularly eat turnips.

Wheat:  The wheat grass juice is very useful in diabetes.

Fenugreek: The fenugreek seeds are useful in curing diabetes. Its seeds lessen the sugar in the blood. They also lessen the sugar in the urine by 65%, its effect can be noticed within ten days. Take fenugreek seeds with water 15 minutes before the meals, it is very beneficial.  Its dose varies from 25 gm to 100 grams. It can be taken in any form cooked in broth, with water, in powdered form mixed with wheat flour, with rice, with lentils, chutney or its powder mixed in milk or water.

If the calories are restricted to 1200 - 1400 per day, its effect is noticeable within a short period. 

Continue its use as long as urine contains in sugar. It not only lessens the sugar but also lowers the cholesterol level. When you are using fenugreek seeds, over the period of time reduce the consumption of medicines for diabetes and stop them altogether.

Soak 60 grams of finely ground fenugreek seeds in a glass of water for 12 hours, strain and drink it after 12 hours. Do it every day in the morning and as well as evening for 6 weeks, this will cure diabetes. Also consume cooked fenugreek leaves with it.

Lentil: Soak overnight 28 grams of black lentil in milk and eat in the following morning.

Also mix black lentil and barley in equal quantity and grind it, us e this flour to prepare bread and eat them in the morning and evening.

Eating bread made of chick pea flour for ten days stops the passage of sugar with urine.

Turmeric: In the scenario of increased frequency or urination and excessive flow of urine, making diabetic thirsty, take 8 – 10 grams of turmeric powder two times a day in water is very useful.

Honey:  When a diabetic have urge to eat something sweet, then taking a little honey instead of sugar is beneficial, this will keep diabetes in control and also prevent you from chronic disease of the kidney. Take honey only to satisfy your urge to eat something sweet. Otherwise, it is not advisable.

Dates: In diabetes and other diseases where consuming sugar is harmful but if there is urge to eat something sweet, have dates but in small quantity.

Banana: It is beneficial in diabetes. It increases the weight. Eat two bananas followed by a glass of hot milk daily for three months. If you suffer from flatulence do not eat bananas.

Diabetes - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - 24 Natural Remedies to Reverse Diabetes Diabetes - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - 24 Natural Remedies to Reverse Diabetes Reviewed by hb tips on October 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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