Dandruff - Meaning, Type, Causes and 9 Natural Remedies to Treat Dandruff

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Dandruff leads to falling of hair. It is caused when hair is not kept clean or soap/ shampoo is not fully washed off. This condition causes small husk like white particles in the hair. When the hair is combed or the head is scratched these particles scatter all over in the head and begin to multiply quickly. Dandruff causes intense itching. Frequent indiscriminate itching prompt a person to scratch consistently and the affected part of the scalp becomes hot. As a result, the hair at that spot becomes thin, dry and weak and falls off.

Dandruff is the biggest enemy of healthy hair. It not only weakens the roots of the hair but also causes skin related disease. The process of degeneration and regeneration of the skin cells goes on constantly inside our body. This process goes on in the scalp as well and dead cells keep on falling off periodically. But if too many cells die and fall off, it becomes disease and needs to treated.

There are two types of dandruff: (1) dry, which falls off when scratched and (2) oily, which sticks to the scalp.

When it forms a layer on the scalp, the roots of the hair are deprived of oxygen and the hair becomes weak and fall off.

Causes: Dandruff is caused by dirty hair, irregular blood circulation, infection and lack of balanced diet etc.

Prevention: Since it is infectious disease, people suffering from it should have their own separate hair combs, hair brushes, towels and pillows etc. at an advance stage, it spreads to the face, eye brows and even eye lashes.

Antiseptic Liquid: Taking bath with a few drops of antiseptic liquid added to the water helps in checking the inspection.

Poppy Seeds: Grind four tsp of poppy seeds with milk and apply the paste to hair roots and wash off after half an hour. Use shampoo and soap to wash the hair. Wash the hair two times a week in this way and get rid of dandruff.

Gram Flour: Mix four tsp of gram flour in a glass of water and rub it into the hair, wash it off after some times, this will treat dandruff.

Red Lentil Whole: Soak overnight red lentil whole in water. In the morning, grind it into the paste and rub this paste on the scalp. Wash it off after half an hour and comb the wet hair, this will clear the dandruff.

Yogurt: Mix salt in cup of yogurt, churn or batter it, rub it into the hair and wash it off after some time. This will clear the dandruff.

Indian Gooseberry (Amla): Soak overnight 5 tsp of Indian gooseberry powder in half cup of water. In the morning, rub it into the hair and wash it off. It will clear the dandruff cast sticking to the scalp.

Beetroot: Boil beetroot leaves in water and wash the hair with that water. It will clear dandruff and kill lice well.

Sesame Seeds: Massage the scalp and hair with sesame oil. After half an hour, rinse towel in hot water and wrap it around the head.  When it gets cold, again rinse it in how water and wrap it around the head. After five minutes wash the head with cold waters, it will clear the dandruff.

Soap Nut: Washing the hair with soap nut also treats the dandruff.

Dandruff - Meaning, Type, Causes and 9 Natural Remedies to Treat Dandruff Dandruff - Meaning, Type, Causes and 9 Natural Remedies to Treat Dandruff Reviewed by hb tips on October 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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