Baldness - Meaning, Causes & 9 Home Remedies for Baldness

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Alopecia causes loss of hair. The disease is commonly known as baldness. When afflicted with this disease on suffer from rapid loss of hair and there is no growth of new hair at the bald spot. The pores the skin at that spot get blocked and the skin also become smooth and oily. The hairless condition of the scalp is known as baldness.

There are no specific causes of this disease. However, blood disorder, toxins, syphilis, ring worms and eczema may be its probable cause. But those people who do great deal of mental works or are of advance age get baldness.
Banana:  Grind banana pulp with lemon juice and apply it on the scalp. It will prove very useful.

Pomegranate: Grind pomegranate leaves with water and rub it on the scalp, it will be beneficial.

Lemon: Rubbing a slice of lemon on the bald patches for a month or two will restore the growth of hair.

Salt: Consuming excess quantity of salt results in baldness. Take 5 tsp of coconut oil and add 1 tsp of salt and black pepper powder and mix them well, apply this on bald patches. It will restore the growth of hair.

Onion: Round patches of baldness appear on the scalp when hair falls off in bunches. Onion juice should be applied to all the bald patches frequently for some days. It will help the hair to grow again.

Indian Lilac (Neem): Application of Indian lilac oil regularly for two to three months at the bald spots helps the hair to grow again.

Garlic: Eating garlic is useful for the growth of hair.

Red Lentil: Rub the bald spot with a piece of rough cloth and apply the paste of ground red lentil three times a day, apply mustard oil the next day and take the sunbathe. Again apply the red lentil paste after four hours. Repeat this treatment for few days. It will help in the re-growth of hair at the bald spots.

Black Lentil: Boil black lentil and grind it to make the paste and apply this on bald patches at night before going to sleep. It helps hair to grow again.
Coriander: Apply the coriander juice on the bald patches this will treat this condition and helps the hair to grow again.

Jasmine Oil: Jasmine oil provides relief from headache. Jasmine, coconut and Indian gooseberry (amla) oil are all useful for the hair.

Baldness - Meaning, Causes & 9 Home Remedies for Baldness Baldness - Meaning, Causes & 9 Home Remedies for Baldness Reviewed by hb tips on October 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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