Diabetes - Cure Diabetics Itching

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How to cure itching from diabetes, diabetics frequently experienced horrible itching, it is a common side effect of elevated blood glucose levels.

Keep skin away from getting dry: Keep the skin moist and healthy by using moisturizers and skin creams and moisturize twice a day. Avoid using scented soaps because the chemicals in it can cause the skin to get dry and irritated, use mild unscented soap instead.

Take care for skin in the summer: For keeping away itching in the summer, wear clothes made from light materials like cotton, chiffon or linen. Certain clothes like wool and silk can cause irritation, keep the skin dry from sweat as too much humidity can cause itching sometimes.

Drink Plenty of water:  To keep skin hydrated drink eight glasses of water per day.

Take care for skin in the winter: Skin easily gets dry in winter, and it is very important for diabetics to keep skin well moisturized and hydrated. Moisturize the skin twice a day using unscented lotion.

Also Read: Diabetes Complications and Solutions

Reduce Stress: Itching can be caused by feeling stress, this means that when you are in stressful situations you're itching tend to increase. To combat feeling of stress practice relaxation exercise and practice meditation, meditation makes your mind empty and releases the stress. Meditate a few minutes each morning to stay relaxed throughout the day.

Here are some home remedies to stop itching

Oatmeal Mixture: Mix 1/4 cup of water with one cup of oatmeal and mix them well to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, keep the mixture on affected place of body for 15 minutes. The oatmeal will soothe the itching and provide relief.

Baking Soda Mixture: Take 5 tablespoons of baking soda add 1/4 cup of water. stir them well until the paste is formed. Apply the mixture to the affected area and keep it there for 15 minutes then wash off.

Antifungal creams for yeast infections: If you were diabetic then you know that your immune system is weak and you are more prone to  infections. One type of infection is a fungal infection that can grow on the skin and can cause itching. To prevent this take anti-histamine pill.

Histamine is the hormone that causes the itching sensation, please consult your doctor before taking this pill.

Also Read:  5 Foods to Avoid in Diabetes

Also Read: Best Fruit for Diabetics

Diabetes - Cure Diabetics Itching Diabetes - Cure Diabetics Itching Reviewed by hb tips on June 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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