Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Diabetes Complications and Solutions

Diabetes Complications and Solutions

Diabetes , Cure Diabetes, Diabetes Complications and Solutions, type 2 diabetes, reverse diabetes, diabetes symptoms

Following balance diet: Diabetic patients should consult a doctor for proper diet and for proper medication. Diabetic patient should stay away from high glucose food. They should avoid foods having high glucose and carbohydrates. Diabetic people should take diet rich in fiber and fiber is rich in whole grains, millets and bread, and also take foods that are low in saturated fat, salt, sugar and calories.

Exercise: Diabetic people should do exercise as their daily habit, by doing physical exercise everyday diabetic people can maintain healthy sugar levels in their body.

Also Read: 5 Foods to Avoid in Diabetes

Must take care of wounds: Diabetic people must take care of wounds and must consult the doctor in any wound damage or, if the wounds is not taken care initially it may lead to serious damage.

Coronary diseases: Diabetes can cause heart diseases, more than 55 percent of all deaths in people with diabetes are due to cardiovascular disease. Heart disease occur at an early age in people with diabetes and often result in premature death. People with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart diseases as compare to non diabetic people.

They are prone to heart diseases in three ways

Coronary Artery Disease:  Because of the fat deposit in heart valve, the passage becomes narrow and it prevents blood circulation thus it becomes difficult for blood to flow freely  and  results in heart attack which is known as coronary heart disease.

Congestive heart failure: In this the heart is unable to circulate blood to all parts of the body and it leads to death. Difficulty in breathing and swelling in legs are the symptoms of this disease. These two diseases are very commonly seen in diabetic patients by keeping blood sugar levels in control diabetic people can prevent coronary heart diseases and congestive heart failure and many other heart related problems.
By having balanced sugar levels we can prevent so many dangerous diseases.

Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: It causes very dangerous problems to the heart, it causes heart attacks and cardiac dysrhythmia. This disease is very commonly seen in diabetic patients reasons.

There are several reasons for heart attacks in diabetic people like obesity, abnormal fat deposits, high blood pressure levels, smoking and heredity in heart related diseases. High fat deposits may cause diabetic people to get heart related problems. If the body contains HDL good cholesterol levels in low levels and HDL bad cholesterol in high levels and triglycerides in high levels increases the chance of heart attacks so diabetic people should consult the doctor to maintain HDL LDL and triglycerides in control.

Diabetes influence all the parts of body diabetes such as blood circulation people having diabetes should take care of the lipid in blood otherwise the creates blocks in the blood vessels it causes a tear o sclerosis it leads to myocardial infractions in other words heart attack

Tips to control diabetes

Take high-protein food,  stop smoking,  drink plenty of water, diabetic patients should exercise like cycling or jogging, Eat high fiber food like oatmeal, regular blood sugar check up in every 3 months, people having obesity and high blood pressure levels also should check their blood sugar levels regularly, sound sleep

Studies prove that people who are not sleeping seven to eight hours are more prone to diabetes. Lack of sleep leads to hormonal imbalance.

Also Read: Best Fruit for Diabetics

Also Read: Cure Diabetes with Indian Blackberry

Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Diabetes Complications and Solutions Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Diabetes Complications and Solutions Reviewed by hb tips on June 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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