Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Ginger Carrot Juice

Ginger Carrot Juice

Diabetes , Cure Diabetes , Ginger Carrot Juice, reverse diabetes, type 2 diabetes, diabetes symptoms, gestational diabetes
Carrot Apple Juice

A low-calorie ginger carrot apple smoothie for this we need carrot, ginger, green apple, cinnamon and lemon.

Carrot is rich in vitamins and nutrients, carrot is a powerhouse of vitamin A, the fiber in carrot helps in controlling glucose levels in the body.

Cinnamon have so many healthy benefits and it helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. Cinnamon improves metabolic activity, it reduces the risk of heart diseases, it is a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. People suffering from type 2 diabetes should take cinnamon daily as it keeps blood sugar levels in control.

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Green Apples is a very effective medicine for diabetes. it is the main source of flavonoids, rich in vitamin C and regulates blood pressure. A green apple on empty stomach help to stabilize blood sugar levels which is very important for diabetic people. They are rich in potassium which keeps heart healthy.

Ginger is rich in so many minerals and vitamins, it is a good appetizer, ginger helps to keep blood sugar levels in control.

Lemon is the powerhouse of vitamin C. it is a good antioxidant it keeps the glucose levels in control.

Put the carrots pieces in a juicer jar add green apple, pieces of cinnamon & ginger along with glass of water, finally add one tablespoon of lemon juice. After blending all the ingredients take the mixture into a glass carrot & ginger juice is ready.

It is refreshing, healthy and energetic. This juice keeps the blood sugar levels in control.

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Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Ginger Carrot Juice Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Ginger Carrot Juice Reviewed by hb tips on June 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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