Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Can Diabetic Eat Bananas

Can diabetic eat bananas

Having diabetes means either the  body can't produce insulin or it can't use the insulin that is produced efficiently. This affects the way body processes sugar, because of this it's important to keep the track of what to eat and how it can further effect the blood sugar levels.

Diabetic patient can eat banana as it will not increase the sugar level. Person with diabetes can safely eat banana.

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An average-size banana contains around 27 to 30 grams of carbohydrates more than half of these carbohydrates are made up of sugar. The larger the banana higher the sugar content. Banana also contain important nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, potassium and they also contain a good amount of fiber which is an important part of a healthy diet.

Bananas contain vitamin B6 which can helps to reduce stress and regulate metabolism, both plays crucial role in diabetes management, in general, bananas can help maintain the digestion due to the relatively high fiber content.

Bananas also contain potassium which helps keep blood pressure in check and potassium also contributes to the overall health of these cardiovascular system.

How  to eat and When to eat banana: Always eat banana in between the meals for example after breakfast and before lunch. Fruits come in more complex form they come with more furtious and less of sugar.

Follow these tips for adding bananas to the diet. Always choose a ripe but not overripe banana, a slight green hew on a yellow banana is ideal. For a nutritious breakfast considered adding sliced bananas to your bowl of oatmeal sprinkled with nuts.
Use green plantains while cooking they are high in potassium and have several carbohydrates.

For a diabetes friendly dessert can sprinkle some cinnamon on a sliced banana. Cinnamon contains antioxidants and is also known to regulate the insulin and reduce the blood sugar level.

Bananas are full of vitamins and minerals such as potassium they also contain fiber which help to maintain proper digestion, provided that there is enough water intake and have a balanced diet.

All people with diabetes can take banana in between the meals.

Also Read: 7 Foods to Control the Diabetes

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Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Can Diabetic Eat Bananas Diabetes , Cure Diabetes - Can Diabetic Eat Bananas Reviewed by hb tips on June 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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