Tonsillitis - Symptoms, Causes and Natural Treatment for Tonsils

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Tonsils are two small lymphoid organs one on each side of the throat. They protect the throat against germs and also work like a barometer indicating infection elsewhere in the body by becoming sore and swollen.

Symptoms: The tonsils are seen to be inflamed and red. Other symptoms are sore throat, fever, head ache. The tongue gets a white covering. The breath smells foul. When the disease starts the body feels very cold and then fever occurs. The body aches and throat pains.

Causes: This is not disease of the throat, but a sign of stomach ailment like Indigestion, accumulation of waste in the intestines, pressure of indigestible food in the stomach, blood impurities, and exposure to cold and eating ice cold products.

Treatment: Getting tonsils operated may lead to loss of memory, impotency, epilepsy fits, obesity, women’s hips expand and menstrual disorder. It is better to treat this condition naturally.
People suffering from tonsils should eat fruits and vegetables.

If the child is breast fed, the mother should take fruits and vegetables. For one day it is preferable to remain on juices. The mother should apply lemon juice with her fingers on the tonsils and if the child is grown up then the child should gargle with lemon water juice.

Carrot, beetroot, cucumber juice, lemon, orange, pineapple, radish and spinach juice are beneficial.
Eat Black raisins and figs.

Honey and ginger juice mixed together should be consumed.

Milk, curd, sweets, roasted and fried products chilies, spices should not be taken.

Drink water by sipping it gradually. Do turmeric water gargle.

Gargle with coriander juice or with water of boiled margosa (Indian lilac) leaves. Gargle with soup of cassia fistula.

Cloves and basil leaves soup should be taken and its steam can be given to throat.

Drink water four times a day from sky blue bottle processed in sunrays.

Hot and cold fomentation of the throat helps a lot.

Tie a wet pack on the throat at night.

Massage the points between toe and fingers of the feet and thumb and fingers of the hand for two minutes each.

Hot foot bath, wet sheet pack, hip bath, steam bath are good.

Wearing a neck band of basil beads treats tonsils and other throat problem.

Carrot juice treats tonsils, provide relief from throat pain and also strengthen the teeth.

Water chestnut contains plenty of iodine. People suffering from throat problems and tonsils should eat them.

Do saline water gargles. It treats tonsils, swelling and pain in the throat. Gargle regularly till complete relief.

Gargle with saline water mixed with a little alum salt, it treats tonsils.

Gargling with hot water mixed with the glycerin is useful for tonsils.

Boil tea leaves in water, strain and gargle. It will be useful.

Grind cinnamon finely and apply some powder on the tonsils with your thumb. It will check the enlargement of tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis - Symptoms, Causes and Natural Treatment for Tonsils Tonsillitis - Symptoms, Causes and Natural Treatment for Tonsils Reviewed by hb tips on December 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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