Prostate Disorder- Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment

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Prostate gland is a male gland. This is on the mouth of urinary bladder and the upper part of the urinary track is surrounded by it on all sides.

It is reddish brown and measures about 3.5 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width comparable to the shape and size of large chestnut.

From this gland a sticky, white, thick secretion takes place, when the male gets excited and the sperm reached the prostrate then this secretion keeps them alive and plays important role in ejecting them out. When this gland gets enlarged then obstruction in the work of urinary bladder and urinary track occurs.

Symptoms: The flow of urine gets thin; urination is obstructed and is in small quantity.

At night a number of times one gets up for passing the urine.

At one whole quantity of urine is not ejected out.

The flow of urine is obstructed and some time only drops fall out.

The person suffering for prostrate disorder loses control over urine and stool.

By putting a finger in anus enlarged prostrate can be examined, due to enlargement of prostate gland headache, irritability, restlessness, fatigue, laziness and weakness occurs.

Causes: Wrong way of living and diet, mental tensions, worries, anger, use of intoxicating products, constipation and suppressing the pressure of urine or the stool.

Sitting at one place continuously, affects the pelvic region which can lead to inflammation of prostate.

Treatment: Getting rid of the above stated causes is very important to treat this condition.

Start fasting on juice for day or two and then for eight to ten days take uncooked food containing fruits and vegetables.

Drink sufficient water.

Drinking lemon water, coriander water, raw coconut water is beneficial to treat this condition.

Cucumber juice, watermelon juice, cabbage, white pumpkin, carrot and pineapple are useful to treat this condition.

Heavy and exciting food stuff like butter, sweet, fried and junk food should not be taken.

Try to avoid food that invites constipation.

Taking the soup of horse gram and spinach in equal quantity is beneficial.

Soak two figs in the night and following morning eat the figs and drink the water.

On the abdomen apply the mudpack.

People with this condition should take enema whenever required.

Hot and cold hip bath should be taken.

Hot and cold fomentation between anus and scrotum can be taken by people suffering from this condition.

People suffering from prostate disorder must urinate after meals.

Taking hot foot bath before going to bed is beneficial to treat this condition.

People with prostate disorder, at the time of sleeping, should compress on all sides of abdomen and carry it above the genitals towards the back.

If there is difficulty in ejecting the urine then drink water from sky blue bottle processed in the sun rays.

Soak a yellow myrobalan (Harad) in water and when it swells up chew it up after taking out the seed and drink that water.

A piece of small myrobalan (Harad) should always be kept in mouth and sucked.

Yoga: Perform the siddhasana, sarvangasana and vajrasna .

Nadishodhan, kapal bhati, bhastrika pranayama should be done.

Ashwini kriyaor mool bandh and mahabandh are useful.

Prostate Disorder- Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment Prostate Disorder- Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment Reviewed by hb tips on November 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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