Headache - Causes and 35 Natural Home Remedies and Treatment

Headache can be felt in the forehead, temples, the back or the upper part of the head or anywhere in the head. Headache may be just symptom for few diseases as fever, flue, small-pox, etc.

Sometimes headache is not the result of any other disease. Such a headache in itself is a disease.

Causes of Headache:

When blood accumulates in the veins of brain, it causes headache.

Constant headache can be symptom of increased blood pressure. When the blood pressure is low it also leads to headache, because the brain does not get enough blood and oxygen.

During fever headache is caused by the expansion of brain arteries.

Headache can be caused by the dilatation of arteries in the head because of extreme anger or severe mental tension. Anxiety causes tension in the muscle of the face and head leading to occipital headache.

Lack of sleep or sleeplessness causes headache.

Toxins in the blood because of urine problems, constipation, dyspepsia etc also cause headache.

Ulcer and swelling in the brain causes pain.

Weak eyesight, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth cause headache.

Some medicines or introduction of some adverse external protein can cause headache.

Constant chronic headache is caused by acidity and disease of the eyes.

Treatment: Headache can be cured by treating the patient taking into account the cause, nature, condition and the humor of the body. First of all try to remove the cause of pain.

The headache caused by catarrh, over-exertion, mental tension, keeping awake at night and accumulation of blood does not require any treatment. Reduction in the use of oily foods leads to whiteness in the eyes and dryness in the brain, it causes headache. In this type of headache the use of milk, butter and other oily foods is beneficial. The headache caused by physical and mental exertion requires rest. Sleep provides relief in all types of headache.

Water: if the headache is caused by catarrh, immerse the feet in hot water.

If the headache is due to high blood pressure keep wet pads on the head.

Eucalyptus Oil: In case o headache due to catarrh, apply eucalyptus oil on the forehead and smell it. It provides quick relief.

Lemon: Lemon tea is beneficial in headache. In case of chronic headache, crush lemon tree leaves and smell it, it provides lasting relief. Smelling dry lemon tree leaves and drinking tea prepared from those leaves has a great effect.

Apple: Having salted apple for 30 days is useful in headache. Take one or two salted apple, empty stomach in the morning, chew apple well and drink hot water or hot milk after that.

Coconut: Consuming dry coconut with sugar before sunrise is beneficial in providing relief from headache.

Carrots: Mixed juice of carrots 190 gm, beetroot juice 145 gm, cucumber 120 gm cures headache.

Tamarind: The headache due to heat can be treated by drinking tamarind water two times a day. Soak tamarind water in water, mash it and add sugar before drinking it.

Black Currant: Black currant syrup is useful in treating headache caused due to disorder of bile.

Onion: if the headache is due to hot wind and heat stroke, apply paste of onion to soles of feet’s, it is useful in all types of headache. Smelling the cut onion is also beneficial in headache.

In all types of headache including migraine, applying onion paste on the temples provides relief.

Garlic: Application of garlic paste may cause blister on the skin, so be careful when it is applied. In case of migraine put two drops of garlic juice in the nostrils of the side affected by migraine. Eat two cloves of garlic every two hours with hot water.

Black Lentil: Soak black lentil and make paste of and apply it on the forehead. It will provide relief from headache due to heat.

Mustard Oil: In case of headache caused by cold, apply the mustard oil on the nose, ears, navel and soles, it is beneficial.

Tea: When the headache is caused by cold and is marked with sneezing and running nose, drinking tea is beneficial.

Aniseed: Chew a tsp of aniseed with hot milk is useful in headache. People with chronic condition should take this treatment every day.

Wheat: Sprinkle wheat flour on live coal and smell at it and take the fumes in. it treats the headache caused by cold, catarrh, chronic coryza, sinusitis and the one which grows with sunrise. Smell and inhale the fumes of wheat flour for 2 - 3 minutes twice everyday in morning and evening. Incurable headache can also be cured by this treatment.

Cloves: Applying the clove paste on forehead provides immediate relief from headache. Clove oil is also beneficial.

Boil 5 – 6 cloves in 250 ml of water, when the water is reduced to half, add sugar and drink it. Take it two times a day for some days in the evening and before going to bed to get relief from headache.

Asafetida: In case of headache caused by cold, mix asafetida in water and apply it in the head.

Black Pepper: Burn a corn of black pepper and inhale its fumes, it treats headache caused by wind.

Mint Leaves: Apply the paste of mint leaves on forehead and temple is useful in headache.

Coriander: Soak overnight coriander seeds 10 – 12 grams, dry Indian gooseberry 5 – 6 grams in a glass of water in an earthen pot. In the morning mash it well, strain, add sugar and drink it. It is useful in treatment of headache caused by heat.

Application of coriander paste on the forehead is beneficial in headache caused by the excess of bile.

Salt:  Put a pinch of salt on tongue and drink water after 10 minutes, it will provide great relief.
Mix 5 grams of salt in 65 ml of water and smell, it provides relief from this condition.

Ginger: If the headache is caused due to upper stomach, prepare ginger paste and mix it in a little water and apply to painful part. Initially it will cause burning sensation but pain will subside soon.
If the headache is caused by catarrh, mix ginger paste in water and apply it on forehead, it will be beneficial.

Cardamom: Cardamom paste application on forehead provides relief from this condition.

Cassia Leaves: Prepare cassia leaves paste and mix in warm water and apply it on forehead, it will provide relief from all type of headache caused due to cold or heat.

Nutmeg: In case of headache is caused by cold, application of nutmeg paste will be beneficial.

Cinnamon: Prepare cinnamon paste and apply it on forehead and temples, it will be useful.

Basil Leaves: Dry basil leaves in shades and prepare it powder, smell it for few minutes, it will be beneficial.

Mix basil leaves and lemon juice it in equal quantity provides relief from headache
Watermelon: If the headache is caused by heat, drink watermelon juice mixed with sugar in the morning.

Clay: Application of wet clay pads on the forehead provides relief from headache.

Headache - Causes and 35 Natural Home Remedies and Treatment Headache - Causes and 35 Natural Home Remedies and Treatment Reviewed by hb tips on November 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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