16 Amazing Benefits of Spirulina

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Spirulina is blue green algae which grows in alkaline water packed with lot of nutrients, it contains vitamin B, beta carotene, high amount of proteins, vitamin E, minerals, chlorophyll and phycocyanobilin. No doubt it is called a super food.

Here are numerous benefits of Spirulina:

Powerhouse of Various Antioxidants: Oxidative damage in our body can be harmful, and can lead to many diseases. It harms the cells and DNA of the body.

Spirulina has  antioxidant substance called phycocyanin which helps the body to fight free radicals and reverse the cells and DNA damage. Phycocyanin helps to protect the liver and kidneys and it activates immune system and in turn suppresses the cancer and other viral infections.

Another antioxidant that is present in spirulina is carotenoids. Carotenoids boost metabolism function and protection from disease. It is an effective anti-carcinogenic and radio protective effect. It helps to reduce the size of tumors. A lot of studies have proved the reduction of cancer as a result of intake of carotenoids.

Anti Cancerous: Spirulina is the rich source of antioxidant like carotenoids, flavionoids, alpha lipoic acid, glutathione etc, all these anti oxidants helps in building immune system and prevent cancer.

Wound Healing: As spirulina has high amount of chlorophyll, it accelerates wound healing by 25%. Chlorophyll helps in growth of tissues, which helps bacteria to spread and helps in wound healing. It also helps in the treatment of ulcers and oral sepsis.

Anemia : Chlorophyll is  green blood and is found is spirulina. Many tests have proved that spirulina helps to increase blood levels of hemoglobin. Spirulina has astonishing content of iron and folic acid which is easily digestible and bio available.

Anti Inflammatory: Spirulina has powerful anti inflammatory properties; it helps to reduce arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. It helps to prevent the production of molecules that causes inflammation.

Anti Diabetic: Spirulina lowers the blood sugar levels naturally. Phycocyanin found in spirulina stimulates the body’s insulin function. Spirulina balances sugar levels in the body which favorably prevents the neurological damage found in diabetic patients. Research has shown a remarkable improvement in conditions of stinging sensation, numbness, and paralysis. Recent studies have proved that spirulina results in complete reversal of diabetic conditions.

Cholesterol: Regular intake of spirulina as a supplement results a significant reduction in blood cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol and increase HDL. If triglycerides level and total cholesterol level have reached to unhealthy level, start taking 5 grams of spirulina daily in supplement form.

High Blood Pressure: A daily dose 4.5 grams per day is proved to reduce high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the cause for many diseases like heart attack, strokes, kidney dysfunction, liver damage, etc. high blood pressure slowly damages the blood vessels leading to decrease in nutrients and blood flow to various organs. Spirulina boosts the production of nitric oxide in the body which helps to dilates blood vessels. This result in improved blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

Thyroid: Spirulina has thyroid supportive minerals like iodine and amino acids tyrosine which together can make form of thyroid hormone. Iodine plays a crucial role in the function of thyroid. Our body is unable to make its own iodine, so it is essential to get through our diet.

Weight Loss: One of the main reasons that people are big fan of spirulina is that it is low calorie weight loss supplement which has many vitamins, amino acids and high protein content. As it has both protein and fiber, it is beneficial to reduce the appetite. A research has showed in reduction in body weight in obese people when they are given spirulina supplement as it contains 60 – 70 % protein which takes more time to get digested, because of which one feels full for longer. Protein also helps build lean muscle mass which makes the body look toned in the shape.

Detoxification: Spirulina is an effective way to detoxify the body from heavy metal and other pollutants. Across the globe there is a high risk of chronic arsenic and lead toxicity. Millions of people are consuming highly concentrated arsenic through drinking water.  Researchers have shown that spirulina extract plus zinc in ration of 5:2 grams is highly effective in detoxification of the body. Spirulina is also beneficial in liver detoxification.

Allergies: Spirulina enhances immune function of the body which helps to combat allergies. According to number of studies, spirulina benefits in sinus by reducing the inflammation. It is effective in reducing nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sneezing and itching.

Memory Booster and Brain Function: Spirulina helps to reduce oxidative damage and thereby prevents memory loss. It has been shown to reduce stroke related brain damage. It allows more blood flow in the brain cells. It also benefits in Alzheimer’s disease by reducing the abnormal concentration of protein in brain. Regular intake of spirulina results in improvement in memory and brain function. It is useful in treatment for neurodegenerative disorders. Omega 3 fatty acids presents in spirulina is also responsible for cognitive performance.

Beautiful: Being rich in phyto-nutrients and caretnoids, it protects the skin from free radicals and reduces the sign of aging and ensures younger looking and healthy skin. It also helps in reducing swelling, breakouts and acne. Being rich in iron, manganese, copper, zinc, potassium and gamma linolenic acid, it is highly beneficial for the skin.

16 Amazing Benefits of Spirulina 16 Amazing Benefits of Spirulina Reviewed by hb tips on November 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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