Acidity - Causes, Symptoms and 19 Natural Remedies for Treatment of Acidity

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Blood in the human body Is 20% acid and 80% alkali. When the ratio if acid in the blood increases, it affects the digestive system in body and raises the problem of acidity.

Acidity is also known as heartache, acidic pain and heartburn. When the acid in the stomach travels with saliva to the throat, there is burning sensation and sourness in the stomach. When the person feels the heart burn and sourness have come up to throat, then the treatment of acidity is to be given.

Loss of appetite and indigestion have similar symptoms, therefore one should be able to differentiate between the two.

Main causes of acidity are hasty eating or consuming improper food, therefore having alkali food is useful.

Symptoms of this condition includes vomiting of sour undigested food, burning in throat, burning in chest, constipation, stomachache, sickness of stomach.
The main symptoms, however, are chest burn, burning in throat after meals and feeling sour water in mouth and sour vomit.

Food: The people having acidity should be careful about the food they take. Consuming the liquid should be restricted but cold milk is beneficial. Pickles and tea are not advisable.

Black Currant: The use of black currant provides relief to people suffering from acidity and flatulence.

Indian Gooseberry (Amla): Take 2 tsp of Indian gooseberry juice with equal amount of sugar powder or take dried Indian gooseberry powder mixed with sugar powder with water.

Potato: Potato is by nature alkaline. They carry potassium salt which restricts acidity. People suffering from acidity can reduce acidity by taking boiled or roasted potatoes.

Tea: Tea is not at all advisable for people suffering from acidity.

Carrots: Drinking carrot juice treats acidosis.

Cloves: Taking a clove after meals in the morning and evening is useful to treat acidity.

Radish: In the case of sour burps because of heat, drinking radish juice mixed with sugar powder will be beneficial to treat this condition.

Banana: Consuming a banana with sugar and cardamom powder is useful.

Lemon: The people suffering from acidity should take lemon in hot water forty five minutes before meals. It will assist in the digestion of the food. Lemon contains potassium which neutralizes the acid.

Lemon juice treats acidosis; take lemon juice in water many times in a day. To enhance the taste add honey but do not add salt to it.

If someone is suffering from hyper acidity, do not take food for two to four days. Drink only the juice of items like orange, sweet lemon, pineapple, carrots, pumpkin, cucumber, bottle gourd.

Milk: Drinking of small quantity of cold milk three times a day is useful for people suffering from acidity.

Coconut: Taking the milk of raw coconut is highly useful is acidity.

Onion: Mix 60 grams of onion pieces in 30 grams of yogurt and take it three times a day. To get maximum benefit of this treatment take this for at least one week.

Cumin Seeds: Mix and grind equal quantity of cumin seeds, coriander seeds and sugar powder. Take 2 tsp of it with cool water two times a day in the morning and evening after meals. It is beneficial to treat acidity.

Black Pepper: Grind black pepper, mix rock salt as per taste and take ½ tsp with water two times a day after the meals in the morning and evening.

Caraway Seeds: Mix a tsp of caraway seeds powder and lemon juice in glass of water and drink it, it will be useful to treat the condition of acidity.

In the condition of acidity take food items like rice, green lentil, vegetables like bottle gourd, ridged gourd etc. , also use coriander leaves in the meals.

Acidity - Causes, Symptoms and 19 Natural Remedies for Treatment of Acidity Acidity - Causes, Symptoms and 19 Natural Remedies for Treatment of Acidity Reviewed by hb tips on October 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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