45 Amazing Benefits of Flax seeds- How to consume Flax Seeds

flax seeds / linseed
Flaxseeds or Linseeds are one of the most important forms of oil seeds.
Per 100 grams edible portion of flax seeds shows that it contains: 

Moisture- 6.5%
Protein – 20.3%
Fats – 37.1%
Minerals – 2.4%
Fiber – 4.8%
Carbohydrates – 28.9%

Flaxseeds are rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, its calorific value is 530. Flax seeds contains substantial amount of oil. This oil is valuable source of linoleic acid.

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Methods of Preservation: Roast the seeds on low flame, once roasted make the powder and store them for use when needed.

Urine: Seeds and oil are both useful for their medicinal properties; consumption of seeds increases the volume of urine.

Arthritis: Take 2 tablespoon of flax seeds every day in the diet for arthritis.

Respiratory Diseases:  An infusion of flax seeds power in very helpful in respiratory diseases, ideally it should be taken twice a day.

The flax seeds are beneficial in the treatment of respiratory diseases besides being useful remedy for colds, coughs, sore chest, throat and pulmonary complaints. Flax seeds tea should be taken regularly.

Tuberculosis: An infusion made by soaking 30 grams of flaxseeds powder overnight in a glass of water can be taken with lime juice gives beneficial result in tuberculosis.

Cough: To treat the cough a decoction of flax flower should be taken, add honey to it as per taste and drink it two times a day.

Asthma:  For asthma, soak some flax seeds powder in water in the night and drink this next morning, similarly repeat the process in the morning to have it in the evening.

Constipation: One or two tea spoon of flaxseeds with water can treat constipation.

Heart Disease:  Flax seed contains mono unsaturated, poly unsaturated and omega 3 fatty acids in high amount which is good for heart health. It also has high amount of antioxidants which prevent many heart diseases. It helps to prevent plaque formation in arteries thereby reduce the risk of heart stroke. It also reduces the inflammation of arteries. To maintain healthy heart eat flaxseeds every day.

Menopause: Flax seeds are beneficial for menopausal women, daily intake of flax seeds helps in reducing hot flashes, mood swings and dryness of vagina. One tea spoon of flax seeds powder should be taken two to three times a day to reduce the menopausal symptoms.

Menstrual Cycle: Flax seeds help maintain a regular menstrual cycle. Two to three tablespoon of flax seeds should be taken daily.

Cholesterol: Consuming 100 milligram of flax seeds everyday helps to reduce cholesterol, flax seeds have flavinoids which reduces LDL that is bad cholesterol.

Weight Loss: Flax seeds have omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, lignin, that helps in weight loss. It has good amount of vitamin B, potassium, magnesium which helps to control the weight. High amount of fiber in flax seeds gives the feeling of fullness and reduces unnecessary intake of calories, it is a good source of protein and protein helps in weight reduction. Flax seeds can be added to broth and salads for weight loss.

Diabetes: Daily intake of flax seeds controls the sugar levels for type 2 diabetes, flax seeds have high amount of alpha/linoleic acid along with protein and fiber which helps to control blood sugar.

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Digestion: High amount of omega 3 fatty acids in flax seeds helps in various digestive disorders like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or inflammation of intestines. To improve the digestive health flax seeds oil is not recommended as it doesn’t contain fiber. It should be taken in powder form.

Detoxification: Flax seeds helps in detoxification. High amount of fiber in it helps to reduce toxic waste from intestinal tract. Omega 3 fatty acids in flax seeds are essential for boosting the immunity. For detoxification soak some flax seeds in glass of water at night, next morning drink the water and eat the seeds.

Hair Growth: It’s a miracle remedy for all type of hair problems; it not only nourishes the scalp but is beneficial for treatment of dandruff, hair fall and itching on the scalp. Omega 3 fatty acids helps to nourish the hair follicles and helps to make hair roots strong healthy. Flax seeds power or its oil should be included in daily diet to make hairs strong and healthy.

Hair Straightening: Flax seeds gel is very effective natural remedy to straighten curly hairs. For this boil 2 tablespoon of flax seeds in two glasses of water, when mixture starts thickening remove it from the flame and strain it while it is hot.

Apply this gel when it cools down on scalp and hair length to get straight hair. Regular application of this gel will give straight, silky and shiny hair.

Boils: A hot poultice of the seeds is very popular home remedy to treat skin disease like boils, abscesses and carbuncles.

Eczema: Take equal quantity of flaxseeds oil an lime water and mix them together, this is an effective remedy for burns, scalds and skin diseases like eczema and herpes.

Blemishes: Flax seeds oil is used as an effective remedy to remove blemishes from the face.

Chest Trouble: Apply loose poultice of the seeds in chest troubles and diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis and pleurisy.

Wheezing: Flax seeds tea can be made by heating one teaspoon of flax seeds powder in about 360 ml of water, when liquid is reduced to half quantity by boiling, add some sugar candy or sugar to sweeten it. The tea can be given to children also to counteract wheezing.

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Genito- Urinary Disorder: Flax seeds are valuable in gonorrhea, irritations of the genito-urinary organs, nephritis and cystitis, provided taken in the form of tea repetitively.

Wrinkles: Flax seed oil helps in delay of wrinkles, 4 teaspoon of flax seed oil should be consumed daily and it should be applied externally by mixing fixing flax seed in night cream or moisturizers.

Bradycardia: Flax seeds oil is very useful in treating bradycadia, to cure consume flax seeds oil every day.

Glioblastoma Multiforme: Flax seeds is good remedy for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme, mix one tablespoon of flax seeds oil into a small bowl of cheese, and take this two times a day.

Cancer: Flax seeds has lignans and omega 3 fatty acids that are powerful anticancer and antioxidants. Flax seed is an effective remedy for treating prostate cancer, breast cancer and stomach cancer. The lignans present in flax seeds help to stop the formation of new blood supply that promotes tumor growth; this in turn prevents cancer cells to multiply. Lignans are concentrated in the coat of the seeds thus flax seeds should be eaten grounded and powdered to get the full benefit.

30 grams of flax seeds should be consumed on daily basis to treat prostate cancer.

Flax seeds not only help to prevent cancer but are useful in treating it also.

Parkinson’s disease: High amount of omega 3 fatty acids found flax seeds help to prevent Parkinson’s disease. One to three teaspoon of flaxseeds oil should be taken with soup or smoothies.
Bronchitis: One table of flax seeds oil should be boiled in one and half cup of water, after the mixture cools down use as poultice on chest.

Swellings: Massage flax seeds oil on swollen parts of the body. It helps to reduce the pain, inflammation and swellings.

Edema: Flax seeds are effective remedy for treating edema, half tea spoon of powdered flax seeds should be taken with glass of warm water, and flax seeds oil should also be massaged on effective areas.

Goiter: Make of paste of flax seeds powder by adding water; apply this on swollen area of neck for 15 – 20 minutes and wash it off, this helps to reduce the swellings.

Warts: Apply flax seeds oil directly to warts, cover it with some cotton and let the oil get soaked, do this every day until the warts disappear.

Depression:  To prevent depression we should have balance of fats, the brain is composed of fatty acids since flax seeds contains high amount of fatty acids it is considered to be helpful in depression and anxiety. It also benefits in mood disorder.

Gluten Free: Being gluten free, they are good choice for people who have gluten sensitivity. Flax seeds can be use as grain free option and used in baking.

High in Fiber: Flax seeds are rich in gel forming fiber called as mucilage. The high content of fiber in flax seeds benefits the intestinal tract, helps cologne detoxification, and promotes fat loss.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder): ADHD is diagnosed in early childhood. Hyper active behavior, lack of concentration, attention and focus, impulsiveness are the symptoms of ADHD. 

Flax seeds are rich source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids; they help in mental and physical development of children. One tablespoon of flax seeds oil should be added in daily diet to keep the level of fatty acids high enough to reduce the symptoms of ADHD. It also helps to improve concentration and behavior in children.

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Liver Diseases: Flax seeds helps in improving the liver health. Lignan present in flax seeds helps to prevent inflammation in the liver. Flax seeds help to clean the liver from all the toxins that are produced.

Take a fresh juice, add two tablespoon of grounded flax seeds and have this every morning.

Angina: The angina is caused by a blockage in the arteries which leads to insufficient amount of oxygen and blood flow to the heart. There is tightness, heaviness, and intense pain in the chest which may also radiate to shoulder, left arm, neck and jaw. The essential fatty acids in flax seed oil promote arterial health and flexibility. It also helps to lower the levels of triglycerides which is directly link to heart disease.

Tetanus: Tetanus occurs when wound becomes contaminated with bacteria which in turn produce a powerful poison that affects the muscle. It can cause painful tightening of muscle and can lead to locking of jaw, which leads to difficulty in opening of the mouth, restlessness, sore muscle, weakness, headache with irritability are common. Flax seeds have many nutrients that boost the immunity. Take one teaspoon of grounded flax seeds in a cup of yogurt once a day as herbal treatment for tetanus.

Iritis: Iritis is the inflammation of eyes some of the symptoms are red eye, pain in eyes, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light, floaters. Omega 3 fatty acids in flax seeds help to reduce inflammation.

Hypothyroidism: Being rich in omega 3 fatty acids, flax seeds are good for the health of thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism occurs when thyroid hormones level is low and thyroid stimulating hormone levels are high in the blood. Omega 3 promotes hormone production and magnesium and vitamin b6 in flax seeds also helps normal thyroid production. One tablespoon of flax seeds oil or two tablespoon of grounded flax seeds should be taken daily. The fatty acids in flax seeds have anti inflammatory effect on thyroid gland.
Memory Enhancer: The high amount of omega 3 fatty acids in flax seeds I very good for brain health, it is very useful in memory retention, concentration and mood as well. Omega 3 is important for children as well as adult to have healthy development of brain. Flaxseeds are good source of omega 3 has beneficial effects in memory loss, mental disorder, inattentiveness and depression. For good brain health one should take flaxseeds on daily basis.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Flaxseeds have lignans which helps to reduce testosterone levels and balance the androgen level. It is a cheapest easily available ideal supplement for women with PCOS. As flax seeds reduce the androgen level in the body, it helps to reverse hirsutism.

Pulmonary Fibrosis: Pulmonary fibrosis occurs due to damage of lung tissues, which makes it difficult for the lungs to function properly, although there is no cure to reverse the damage caused to the lungs, some natural remedies helps in improving the symptoms. Regular consumption of flax seeds oil helps in reducing the damage to the lungs. Flax seeds help to improve the blood circulation which in turn increases the supply of oxygen and essential nutrients to the lungs
45 Amazing Benefits of Flax seeds- How to consume Flax Seeds 45 Amazing Benefits of Flax seeds- How to consume Flax Seeds Reviewed by hb tips on October 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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