Tips for Glowing Skin - Banana Removes Wrinkles, Dark Spots & Pimples

tips for glowing skin, remove wrinkles, remove dark spots, remove pimples
tips for glowing  skin - banana

Simply take a banana slice and rub it on your face in a circular motion do this for about ten minutes and then wash off with water.

Rich in potassium and moisture it hydrates and moisturizes dry skin making it soft and supple, if your skin is peeling or it is dry then do this daily.

Bananas are rich in vitamin C that helps in enhancing the natural and youthful glow of the skin you can bring back the lost glow and make your skin look brighter.

To make this mask, take two to three tea spoons of banana paste. Add one capsule of vitamin E oil and add 1 tsp of yogurt. Mix all the ingredients together to make a smooth paste apply this mask on your face and leave it on for about 10 minutes then wash off with cool water you can do this daily.
You can either rub the banana slice on your face or apply banana mask daily, the nutrients in bananas help fight wrinkles and keep the skin youthful, it is full of antioxidants which not only help remove dead skin cells but also leave your skin feeling fresh and new.

Acne, scars, age spots or dark spots makes the face dull. They can reduce them and even out general skin discolorations by applying this mask daily, it will give intense nourishment and shine to your skin, it gives smooth silky and soft complexion in no time.

 Banana and its peels are wonderful homemade remedies to get acne and pimples treated. You can directly apply the white part of a banana peel onto your acne to reduce inflammation and destroy bacteria.
These were some amazing benefits of using bananas daily for your skin.

Also Read: Remove Dark Circle and Wrinkles Under Eyes

Tips for Glowing Skin - Banana Removes Wrinkles, Dark Spots & Pimples Tips for Glowing Skin - Banana Removes  Wrinkles, Dark Spots & Pimples Reviewed by hb tips on April 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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