Skin Problems - Causes and 23 Natural Treatment to Get Rid of Skin Problems

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Skin Problem
There are several skin problems which affect the skin like itching, eczema, boils, whelks, prickly heat, psoriasis, herpes etc.

Causes: Skin disease is caused by growing level of acidity and declining level of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and calcium in the body. These are caused by infection or contagion also. Skin problems can be suppressed by the application of strong and effective medicines also but are not totally cured. They reappear again after some time.


Blood Purification: The first and basic thing to treat the skin problems is purification and cleansing of blood. Keep the bowels clean.

Fast: Observe fast for three days; during the fast only drink lemon water and nothing else. Thereafter, take orange juice for three days and nothing else. Post it have, boiled vegetable, seasonal fruit, salad, raw vegetable, carrot juice and Indian gooseberry juice in sufficient quantity. Make minimum usage of strong spices, sugar, salt and soap. Take sun bath.

Lemon: It cleanses the skin. Application of lemon juice on skin disorders like boils, whelks, eczema, ring worm etc. or washing the wounds with lemon water or drinking it is beneficial.  Squeeze two to three lemons in water and drink it in the morning every day. It is useful in skin disease.

Apple: Eating couple of apple every day is beneficial in skin problems. For oily skin, grind apple into a paste and apply thin a layer of the paste on face. Wash it after 10 minutes with hot water.

Tomato: Tomatoes are sour. The sourness cleanses the blood, for blood purification take only tomatoes alone, that is, mixing them with anything else. If because of blood disorders, red blotches appear on the skin, bones of the face are swollen, gums bleed, possibility of developing scurvy exists, diseases like eczema and beri beri appear, drinking tomato juice three times a day will be useful. It will purify the blood. If tomato juice is taken regularly for few weeks, skin problems will disappear.

Carrots: Carrots juice is antibacterial and check infection. It also checks irritability and stench of the blood. It purifies the blood and is beneficial in itching , boils and whelks. It checks blood disorder. it also provides relief from acne and makes the face beautiful. The carrot juice is highly beneficial in skin problems.

The skin usually becomes dry because of deficiency in the vitamin A. Dryness of the skin is more prominent during winter. Carrots contains plenty of vitamin A. Therefore, one can get rid of dryness by eating carrots.

Cucumber: It is useful in skin problems.

Onion: Eating cooked or raw onions removes yellowishness of the skin and makes it healthy. The skin becomes beautiful. If the onions are roasted in fire, dressing boils and tumors with helps in clearing the pus. It provides relief from swelling, burns and pain and accelerates the healing of wound. Even infectious wound gets healed up. Onion juice purifies the blood; it is germicidal and provides relief from itching.

Cauliflower: It contains alkaline elements. The combination of sulfur and chlorine in cauliflower cleanses the mucus membrane and the intestines. It cleanses the body and blood and cures skin problems.

Lambs Quarter’s: Boil lamb quarter’s leaves, squeeze and drink the juice. It is beneficial in all skin problems.

Wash the skin with lamb quarter leaves. Grind raw lamb quarter’s leaves and squeeze out the juice. Mix ½ cup of sesame oil in two cups of lamb quarter’s juice and heat it on low flame. When the water content has entirely evaporated, strain the oil, store in a bottle and apply it on skin eruptions. It will bring relief in due course of time.

Poppy Seeds: skin problems caused by heat of the summer can be cured by syrup made out of poppy seeds. It can cure infectious problem of the skin and boil and whelks among the children.

Sugar: People suffering from skin problems like itching should not consume sugar and things made out of sugar.

Mint Leaves: Grind mint leaves and apply it on the face and let it stay for 20 minutes, it removes heat and cools the skin.

Wheat: Heat the wheat on hot plate to the extent that it gets burnt, grind it to make powder. Mix the powder in mustard oil. Application of this affected areas; it will cure old and incurable skin diseases.  It is especially beneficial in hard to heal skin problems of private areas and dry skin ailments.

Red Chili: Rubbing the red chili oil on the skin is useful in skin problem. It is mainly useful for the boils which occur during rainy season. To make red chili oil, boil 120 grams of chili powder in 350 ml of mustard oil, strain the oil.

Salt: Bathing with hot saline water is useful in skin problems that develop during winter.
If the skin becomes dry and drab, cracks develop in hands and feet, wash them with hot water mixed with salt, foment them well to make the skin soft.

Caraway Seeds: Grind caraway seeds in hot water and apply the paste on areas affected by shingles, eczema, itching and whelks. Boil caraway seeds in water and use boiled water to wash the affected areas, it will be useful.

Glycerin: Application of glycerin is useful in cracked lips and skin.

Gram Flour: Prepare a paste of gram flour by mixing little water to it. Apply the paste on eczema, itch, boils and whelks, rub it off when it gets completely dry and wash it off with water.

Water: Soak a piece of cloth in water, squeeze and wrap it around the neck of child and cover the child with blanket. If this natural treatment is taken for few days, it will save child from skin problems.

Honey: Soak overnight 3 tsp of Indian gooseberry (amla) powder in a glass of water. Strain it in the morning and add 4 tsp of honey and drink, it will cure skin problems.

Honey mixed in water cures several skin problems like itch, light spot on the body, boils, whelks and acne.

Indian Lilac (Margosa / Neem): Grind tender margosa leaves mix it in water and drink it. This will provide relief from ulcers, boils, ring worm, itching and other problems caused by blood disorder and will also provide relief from rheumatic problems, bile and cough.  Take this regularly some days.
If the boil has suppurated and there is secretion of pus from it, grind margosa leaves and mix honey and apply this paste on affected area.

Boils, shingles, scales on the skin, whelks and wounds are caused by blood disorders. It is difficult to cure them but Indian lilac ointment is useful in skin disease.

Method to make paste: Grind 200 grams of margosa leaves without adding water and prepare a fine paste. Put 90 grams of mustard oil in copper vessel and heat it. When the oil starts boiling, add paste to it. When the paste is blackened, let it cool down for some time, then add camphor and little yellow wax and grind it. Ointment is prepared.

Skin Problems - Causes and 23 Natural Treatment to Get Rid of Skin Problems Skin Problems - Causes and 23 Natural Treatment to Get Rid of Skin Problems Reviewed by hb tips on November 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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